Jutta had been wanting me and Corey to help her pick apples and pears from trees she had found near the neighborhood. She had some apples in her car, but said that she needed a tall ladder. She gave me some apples and we decided that we’d go back, but not today, it was very windy.
I wanted to get out and bike, or hike, but after about 10 seconds outside I felt like getting out of the wind.
I retracted the awnings to minimize how much the bus was rocking in the wind. It helped considerably. The angle at which I was parked was ideal for cutting the North West wind and the bus felt like a cozy shelter inside.
I spent much of the day working on trivial upgrades inside the bus. I re-Velcroed the booth seat cushions and vacuumed broken glass from the cupboard, etc. When I sprayed mildew cleaner on an old water damage stain on the ceiling carpet the stain completely disappeared in seconds. It was a miracle. I went around the bus and completely cleaned every ceiling stain. I even got a stain out that had been there from the previous owner. It felt great to remove stains that I had thought were permanent.
I rearranged some of my favorite toys in hopes that I would use them more if they were in my way. I got out my favorite Frisbee and hacky-sac. I thought about leaving my favorites packed up and putting out back-ups so I wouldn’t lose the good stuff, but then asked myself, “If not now, when?” and decided these toys needed to be in play. Back-ups are back-ups. I also got out my weight lifting dumbbell that I was so good about using everyday while my shower warmed up in my house. That system broke down in the bus. The weight was not quickly accessible. The bathroom is too small, there’s no warm-up time on the bus shower…and honestly I don’t necessarily shower as much while unemployed and on the road. I put the weight on the floor in the bedroom. Hopefully I’ll use it more often…and shower more too.
I sautéed wild jumbo scallops. I’m getting better at cooking seafood. They were pretty good. The best part about cooking my own seafood is that I get a lot. It was the first time I had almost too many scallops.
Almost too many scallops? "That's un-possible!"