Walking back I felt like I was being stalked. Cars slowly crept toward the sale from all directions. Bargain hunters waiting to pounce. We shut the garage door and finished setting up. The work was light and the people were very friendly. We stayed for a couple of hours. She was again very generous with her compensation and gave us each $35.
While at the sale I missed a call from Eric at the Americorp program in Texas. I got the impression from his message that they were leaning in my favor. I felt great. It was nice to have perhaps some direction in life.
Trinity, Sebastian and I went to the west beach. It wasn’t windy, but the waves were huge and crashing way up onto the beach. They were churning up some pretty good agate hunting spots, but the threat of getting hit by big waves was extremely high. I had come to the beach in shorts and barefoot with the plan of getting a little wet. We looked for agates as close to the ocean as we could get, but kept having to run frantically back up the beach from the monster waves. It’s hard to scan the sand and keep a lookout for sneaker waves. We both got hit hard. Several times I was almost swept off of my feet. Sebastian even got tagged by the waves for the first time. It was a laugh riot, an intense workout and we found thirteen agates.
When leaving we couldn’t find Trinity’s shoes. She had left them on the beach far from the oceans reach. As we walked, searching for them, it looked as though the waves had reached that far onto the beach. I noticed a shoe floating upside down in a tide pool at the same time Trinity spotted the rest of her stuff. Close one.
The Savoy Theatre gets one new movie a week. Last week it was a romantic comedy. This week it was a movie about Julia Childs. I like her, and cooking, so I thought it might be good, at least better than last week’s show. We walked to the theatre, located on the same block that we live on, and went to the 4:00 matinee. Since the theatre is so close I wore my slippers. As it started, the screen said something about, “Alien” and some teenage boy was hacking his grades in his bed room. I wondered, “Is this a movie IN the movie? How does Julia Childs fit into this?” It become obvious to us that we had no idea what movie we were at. Trinity leaned over and said, “That’s why there were so many kids in line”.
It was a kid’s movie. Trinity almost didn’t make it to the end. I reassured her that kid’s movies are short and much like climbing Humbug Mountain she endured it to the end.
When we left we were able to figure out from the movie poster in the front window that we had seen “Aliens in the Attic”. There was a hand written sign explaining that there had been a last minute problem with the other movie.
That evening we went to the store to get wine and after-hours discount deli chicken. After my cozy experience at the afternoon movie I decided to wear my slippers to the grocery store too. A trend I could all too easily get used to.
Gotta see a photo of the slippers, man.....