I slept-in until 10:30. I got up, had coffee, then took a nap.
I cleaned and oiled my bike chain. It had only rained once, but the chain got rusty extremely fast. It must have been the salt water mist from the ocean.
Corey, Trinity, Sebastian and I went to the Heads. I’d ridden my bike down the path high above the ocean three times. This was my first time to walk it. I saw things I hadn’t noticed before. I’d wondered on my bike what the small animal was that would scurry across the path in front of me; a chipmunk, a gecko? While walking, one ran by me and stopped. I got a quick picture of it. It was some sort of small lizard.
That night I made my first attempt at fish tacos. Trinity liked them, but they seemed too fishy to me.
I took a shower and heard a “ping-pung” noise come from the floor of the bus, like the sound of a metal air duct expanding. I’d heard it once before when the grey water tank overflowed. Minutes later I heard my feet splash as the shower water started to back-up. The ”ping-pung” was right. The tank was full. I drained it and went to bed.
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