Back in the bus the refrigerator door wouldn’t latch. It’s important to make sure the fridge is latched while on the road. I’ve gotten in the habit of listening for the click even while parked. One other time, back in Rochester, the fridge wouldn’t click. While messing with it the door fell off sending condiments flying. I found a screw had fallen out. It was a simple fix. This time when the click stopped I knew right away to look at the screw. It had fallen out again. I screwed it in this time before the door fell off, a much less dramatic outcome. Maybe next time I’ll add a lock washer, or some lock tight.
I was running low on internet usage for the month. I drove to the Paradise Café in hopes of using their free wi-fi to download some large music pod casts in their parking lot. The signal wasn’t strong enough.
I went to the post office and picked up a package I was eagerly awaiting for from Trinity. She found me four shirts at thrift shops in Bozeman Montana. She is the queen of frugal and I was curious to see what she had picked out for me. The shirts were all fabulous for their own reasons. One is made of hemp and flax, so that should be good for my cholesterol. I knew Trinity was anxious for feedback. I turned the bus dash cam around. The hallway makes a good catwalk. I’m not a very good model, but with good editing and production values I was able to make an acceptable fashion show video and emailed it to her.
That night I hung out with Corey and Andrew, the new guy who moved into filthy #9.
Wow, two friends!
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