I pulled out and took a right, away from the interstate into Mountain Home. I got lucky and immediately saw a sign on the left for an RV park that said, “Propane”, so I pulled in and filled up.
Next; diesel and coffee at the gas station. I was itching to get rolling.
It was a rainy day in Idaho. I watched many storms roll over the mountains and across the prairie. I made it to Oregon and entered into the Pacific Time Zone. Soon I hit the Columbia River and followed it west on the north boarder of Oregon. It was tricky driving. It is mountainous with deep drop-offs an high cliffs. When the rain stopped the wind started. The wind coming off of the river was intense. Permanent ‘High Wind” signs lined the road and they were correct. It hit me from both directions, off of the river on the right and bouncing back off of the rock face on the left. The decent out of Pendleton drops down thousands of feet. I think my altimeter went from nearly 6000’ to sea level. Gorgeous white knuckle scenery.
I was pushing for a Wal Mart in Hood River, Oregon. It took awhile, but I made it. I was exhausted and again low on diesel. “No Overnight Parking” signs were plastered all over the lot. There were a couple of RVs that looked like they were staying. Not sure and not wanting to be woken up in the night I decided to keep going. I checked the internet and found a Wal Mart without a red X over it less than an hour away in Troutdale.
I hit the interstate planning on getting diesel right away, but the interstate went right into the woods. No towns, no gas stations and not much hope. I didn’t want to pull off on small exits looking, for fear of wasting what precious fuel I had.
Eventually I was saved when a town popped out of the trees.
When I made it to the “good” Wal Mart, it too had “No Overnight Parking” signs. It was a “bad” Wal Mart. This one had five, or six RVs in it. So I wondered if they just look the other way, or something. I looked for a fellow RVer to inquire, but found no one.
I had seen a TA truck stop one exit back and found a cozy place between a school bus and semi tractor. It was tight side to side. I was at eye level with the school bus windows about a foot away. I had to unhook the Jeep and park it in it’s own spot to fit lengthwise. It wasn’t the nicest place. There was a lot of trash and people living in their cars.
I closed all the curtains, set my booby-traps and went to sleep.
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